Thursday, July 12, 2012

Linking Up Advice For New Bloggers

I am linking up with an awesome teacher, Patti from Tales From a 4th (and 5th) Grade Teacher! She is having a great linky party to offer advice to new bloggers! I am definitely a new blogger. 2 weeks old in fact, and I should be taking advice from others not dishing it out,  but I think this tidbit helps in whatever type of writing you first start. Hey don't we always tell our students to write about what they know!

Click on the advice pic above and you can visit Patti's blog "Tales From a 4th and 5th Grade Teacher" and get some more great advice for new bloggers.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Free common Core Webinar plus More

Well I am on vacation, and I believe my hubby is about to hide the computer from me, but before he does I just wanted to share with you guys a great Common Core Webinar that I was just emailed about. It is over at the Simple K-12 Teacher learning Community. They are offering the Common Core webinars plus they have a bunch of free e-books and other resources having to do with technology in the classroom. Head on over there and register ASAP, I believe the webinar is next week. Unfortunately I won't be able to participate in this one since I will be hiking in the Smokies!


Saturday, July 7, 2012

Two More Awards...Thank you!!!

Oh my goodness! Two more awards! 

I feel like I am at the Oscar's...I would like to thank the academy...LOL! 
I want to really thank these fabulous bloggers who nominated me click on their buttons to visit their sites

forkin 4th

Fancy Free in Fourth

 Here are the rules that come with these awards: 
Rules for "The One Lovely Blog" Award:
1. Follow the person who gave you the award. (DONE)
2. Link back to the person who gave you the award. (DONE)
3. Share the love! Pass the award onto 15 new bloggers! (DONE)

Rules for "The Versatile Blogger" Award:
1. Thank the blogger who nominated you. (DONE) and  Thank you again!
2. Include a link to their site. (DONE)
3. Include the award image in your post. (DONE)
4. Give 7 random facts about yourself. (DONE)
5. Nominate 15 other bloggers for the award. (DONE)
6. When nominating, include a link to their site. (DONE)
7. Let other bloggers know they've been nominated. (DONE)

7 Random Facts about myself:

1. I'm writing this post while on vacation. (Hubby is not t pleased)
2. I play classical piano.
3. I'm terrified of lizards.
4. I was an interior designer before becoming a teacher.
5. I love the movie Grease.
6. I love thunderstorms.
7. My own children are driving me nuts this Summer!!!!

And Now for my 15 Nominees for The Versatile Blogger and The One Lovely Blog Award:

Charmed in the Third Grade

Thursday, July 5, 2012

My First Award---Made My Day!

So EXCITED to receive my very first ever award!

Thank You Patti!
This awesome teacher has a fabulous site herself visit her over at 

Here are the details which recipients of this award must follow: 
1. Copy and paste the award on to your blog. 
2. Thank the giver and link back to them. 
3. Nominate five other bloggers and let them know by commenting on their blogs.

 #1 Check! #2 Check! And now for #3.
Here are my five nominees!
I decided to show some support to fellow newer bloggers like me! So, go check them out

Teaching with Moxie


Another Techie Tool Courtesy of my Obsession

Every summer I do the same thing. I sit at my computer, or with my IPad and I search the internet all day and sometimes all night, for cool new (or new to me) and free techie tools to use in the class. My husband thinks I'm crazy, and my M & M's (aka son & daughter) swear that I have abandoned them. But I can't help it. I am a woman obsessed! So here is my latest discovery.
Click to visit the site plus it's FREE
Boom Writer is like American Idol, but for writing, but why listen to me explain it when you can watch this nifty info video from their website!

I think the Oompa Loompas (aka students) will definitely enjoy the competition and the mystery. It will be like having your own classroom reality show. (In my best Reality TV Host Voice)Who will be the winner of the next chapter? Stay tuned for the next episode of Survivor Writer.


Wednesday, July 4, 2012

4th of July and a Great Techie Tool

Hope everyone has a wonderful holiday today! I know everyone is probably out celebrating getting your BBQ, fireworks, and what not on, but I was super excited to find this Web 2.0 tool last night and I wanted to share it.
To get my students to read different Genres I do a monthly Techie Book Report that utilizes some kind of technology (I'm working on getting this ready to share with all of you) The Oompa Loompas (aka students) read a different genre every month and learn how to use a different techie tool to create a book report. This site is awesome for creating collages, posters, and scrapbook pages. Best of all it's FREE!! I loved to use Glogster before, but it's not free anymore and my school won't pay for it. (sad face) Go check beeclip out! If you love using technology in the class, or want an easy way to start incorporating it, this is a great tool.
Well I'm off to celebrate with the fam! Everyone stay safe today!

Monday, July 2, 2012

July Currently (Rave)

I am so excited about my very first Currently. I have seen them on other blogs and absolutely love them! Drum roll please..............

Read alouds are great and I love reading to my Oopma Loompas (aka my students.) One of my favorites to read is "Sideways Stories from Wayside Schoo" by Louis Sachar. He is tremendously funny, and the kids get a kick out all the craziness that takes place. It is a great book for teaching characterization because every chapter is about a different character with his or her own set of unique qualities.

As far as teaching resources go I have been nose in book with Common Core. My District is in the process of switching to common Core, and I am in the process of going insane. Common Core aside, I really like Joe Phenix's "Talking, Writing, and Thinking about Books." It a nice resource when you are wanting to add multidisciplinary approach to the Reading Process (doesn't that sound fancy!) Best part is each activity is on one page, so if you use interactive notebooks, which I am planning on starting this year, it offers a variety of options. If you click on the book it will take you to the site where you can have a nice preview of the contents.
