Oh my goodness! Two more awards!
I feel like I am at the Oscar's...I would like to thank the academy...LOL!
I want to really thank these fabulous bloggers who nominated me click on their buttons to visit their sites
Here are the rules that come with these awards:
Rules for "The One Lovely Blog" Award:1. Follow the person who gave you the award. (DONE)
2. Link back to the person who gave you the award. (DONE)
3. Share the love! Pass the award onto 15 new bloggers! (DONE)
Rules for "The Versatile Blogger" Award:
1. Thank the blogger
who nominated you. (DONE) and Thank you again!
2. Include a link to
their site. (DONE)
3. Include the award
image in your post. (DONE)
4. Give 7 random
facts about yourself. (DONE)
5. Nominate 15 other
bloggers for the award. (DONE)
6. When nominating,
include a link to their site. (DONE)
7. Let other
bloggers know they've been nominated. (DONE)
7 Random Facts about myself:
1. I'm writing this post while on vacation. (Hubby is not t pleased)
2. I play classical piano.
3. I'm terrified of lizards.
4. I was an interior designer before becoming a teacher.
5. I love the movie Grease.
6. I love thunderstorms.
7. My own children are driving me nuts this Summer!!!!
And Now for my 15 Nominees for The Versatile Blogger and The One Lovely Blog Award:
Thank you Olivia!! This was such a great surprise :o) Enjoy the rest of your vacation!